Our programme of talks for 2023

2023 Talks

January 25th
Fakes or Fortunes!
(or, have I found a Constable in my attic?)

Sarah Cove

February 22nd

Painting in the jungle of Paris: An exploration of the life and work of Henri Rousseau

Anna Bianco

March 22nd

AGM at 7:15pm followed by 

The Borgias, the most infamous family in history?

Sarah Dunant

April 26th 

At the sign of the Falcon: The Life and Works of Harry Murphy - Goldsmith and Silversmith and Unique Englishman

John Benjamin

May 24th 

Jane Austen: Life and Work 

Roger Askew

June 28th

Everything you need to know about the Royal Ballet in 60 mins

Sarah Lenton

July 26th 

Gaugin and Van Gogh "A Terrible Lucidity"

Douglas Skeggs

September 27th

The Explosive World of Cornelia Parker

Rosalind Whyte

October 25th

The Hidden World of Canal Heritage

Roger Butler

November 22nd

The Stunners: The private lives of the Pre-Raphaelites

Julian Halsby

Image attribution: Wikimedia Commons and Roger Butler.