Our Programme of Talks for 2024

January 24th

The Antiques Roadshow: Behind the scenes and the great discoveries

Marc Allum

February 28th

    2B or Not 2B?     An illustrated story of drawing 

Lynne Gibson

March 27th

An Actor's Life for Me

Tyler Butterworth

April 24th 

Georgia O'Keeffe, Marsden Hartley, and Modern Art in New Mexico During the 1920s and 1930s 

Trisha Passes

May 22nd 

Medieval Illuminated Books of Hours

Christoher de Hamel

June 26th

The Nation's Mantelpiece:  A History of the National Gallery in 10 Paintings

Jonathan Conlin

July 24th 

Insiders and Outsiders:  refugees from Nazi Europe and their contribution to British visual culture

Monica Bohm-Duchen

This thought provoking talk prompted one of our Members, who wishes to remain anonymous, to write a moving letter  to our Chair, which is shared HERE.

September 25th

Imperial Calcutta: Arts and Architecture

John Stevens

October 23rd

Rodin and Claudel: Lovers of Stone

Juliet Heslewood

November 27th

The Genius of Antonio Stradivari

Toby Faber

Image attribution: See individual talk details (Wikimedia Commons )

Our talks programme is in collaboration with: