The Winter's Tale - William Shakespeare
Wednesday 13th August 2025
Image: RSC Website
We are delighted to offer a visit to see a matinee performance (starts 1.15pm) of The Winter’s Tale at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford upon Avon.
As it is not performed as often as some of Shakespeare’s other plays, this is a great opportunity to see it at the RSC.
‘It is an heretic that makes the fire, not she which burns in't’
Even in the darkest of winters, redemption may be found. Unjustly accused of infidelity, Hermione is rejected by her jealous husband, brutally separated from her daughter and her young son dies. Years later, fate offers reconciliation in the most magical of circumstances.
It is an enigmatic story of love, loss and rebirth, directed by Yael Farber, making her RSC debut following her acclaimed productions of King Lear and Macbeth for the Almeida Theatre.
We have reserved stall seats near the stage (at favourable discount) and those who wish to see the play must have signed up and paid by 25th March as the seats are only held for us by the RSC Box Office until then.
There will also be spaces on the coach for those wishing to just spend the day sightseeing and shopping in Stratford upon Avon.
Price to include ticket and coach:
Members: £65
Non-members: £70
For coach only: £20
ONLY WHEN your reservation is confirmed by email
THEN PLEASE PAY by one of the methods below:
Preferably pay online or in your bank:
Transfer £65.00 or £70 (to include play) or £20.00 (coach only) to
The Arts Society Corinium
Barclays Bank: Sort Code 20 68 15 Account No: 83403475
Reference: Your surname followed by RSC
By cheque: £65.00 or £70 (to include play) or £20.00 (coach only) payable to
The Arts Society Corinium
POST to: Andrew Williams (TASC), Pembroke House, 44 Somerford Road, Cirencester GL7 1TX
Your place can only be confirmed once payment has been received.
It is advisable that you complete and bring with you an “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) form on the day. The ICE form can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. The form is a note of your essential medical details in the unfortunate event of an accident, or illness during the visit, when it would be passed to paramedics. It is not read by any of our Society.
Header image: River Avon & RSC by Len Williams CC BY-SA 2.0