Insiders / Outsiders: refugees from Nazi Europe and their contribution to British visual culture by Monica Bohm-Duchen
“Joseph Herman: Refugees, c 1941. With kind permission, Ben Uri Collection.”
July 24th
Insiders / Outsiders: Refugees from Nazi Europe and their contribution to British visual culture
Despite the traumatic nature of their dislocation and the obstacles they often encountered on arrival in the UK, those who fled here from Nazi-dominated Europe in the 1930s and 1940s made a deep, pervasive and long-lasting contribution to British culture. Focussing on the visual arts, this talk will examine the nature of this contribution, embracing not only familiar names such as Gombrich, Kokoschka, Moholy-Nagy, Schwitters and Heartfield, but also lesser-known figures such as Albert Reuss, Josef Herman and Marie-Louise von Motesiczky.
Monica Bohm-Duchen is a lecturer, writer and exhibition organizer. Associate Lecturer at Birkbeck College, Monica has lectured for Tate, the National Gallery, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Open University, Sotheby's Institute of Art and the Courtauld Institute of Art.