Singing Workshop


With lots of laughter and good spirits on a sunny Saturday morning in June, Arts Society Corinium members came together with various folks in the local community to enjoy a Singing Workshop at the Barn Theatre. Local charity organisations, community choirs and care homes were invited and social media platforms, tourist office, church, and other key locations in the town were also notified about the event.

Isobel Chesman, Mezzo, Teacher & Vocal Health Specialist led the morning Sing-a-Long Workshop from the Theatre Stage alongside another entertaining professional artist, pianist Rob Kempner.

After initial warm-up songs, attendees were then split into three groups to allow harmonies and male voices to engage with each other ~ the challenge being to undertake the amazing British rock band Queen famous song "Don't Stop Me Now", featured on their 1978 album Jazz and released as a single January 1979. What a challenge for everyone! 

The Singing Workshop was initiated by The Barn Theatre Charitable Trust wanting everyone attending to experience how interacting with the arts can have a positive effect on people’s wellbeing with the widest possible cross section of our community for a morning of joy, fun, noise and laughter. 

Trying to get to grips with Queen’s "Don't Stop Me Now" certainly achieved this goal and at the end of the morning session, everyone was smiling and a round of applause was given to The Arts Society Patricia Fay Memorial Fund for their Grant awarded from London that allowed this special event to take place. A big thank you was given to The Arts Society Corinium and The Barn Theatre Charitable Trust for their kindness in holding this event for the local community.

Di Cronin, Relationship Manager, The Barn Theatre